Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Journey to the Land of Beef Jerky: Part Two

After arriving at the cottage around one o'clock in the morning on Saturday, Nana, Papa, The Princess, and I all crashed out in our respective beds.

Bright and early in the morning, we all rubbed the sleep from our eyes and ventured outside.  It was an absolutely gorgeous day, and we started out by walking "the road"...which is really the driveway that winds through the woods back to the cottage on the lake.

Now, if this isn't paradise, I don't know what is.  The family walked together up to the road and back, with The Princess taking the lead (of course).

Naturally, there were many texture-seeking stops along the way.

And Nana decided to be the daredevil of the group, walking a fallen tree about half-way between the cottage and the road.

When we all returned to the cottage, we decided to walk around to the front yard, which faces the lake.  I take back my previous claim...perhaps this is paradise.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, the picture with the lake and the sky is just BEAUTIFUL! Ahhh, I miss it there. Maybe we'll get to go in October or something.
