Friday, August 20, 2010


The Hubbs' sister (aka Jello) and her very own hubbs (aka Hank) have the most precious little gal outside of my own house.  Sorry, y'all.  I gotta be biased...what momma doesn't think her little gal is the best?


K, this wonderful little peanut (who, by the way is probably dwarfing The Princess by now) is turning two on Monday.  So why am I mentioning all of this today, you may ask?

Tomorrow is her party.  Jello, Hank, and K will be in town throwing the shindig of the year.  I hear it's gonna be Mickey Mouse Clubhouse themed, and I can't wait to get my Hot Dog Dance on.

It'll be great to see everyone.  I feel just a little like I've been goin' 240 with my hair on fire this past week, and I haven't even started school yet!  I could use some good old-fashioned family time.

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