Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Open House

Yesterday was the open house at The Princess's school.  Naturally, I had to work so I couldn't go.  Fortunately, Grumma was willing and able to swing by and take The Hubbs and The Princess to school.

This was the first time Grumma had seen the setup, and she was really impressed.  Starting today, the kiddos will be split into two separate classrooms: one will be headed by Miss A, and the other - The Princess's class - will be led by Mrs. G.  There are six kids in each class, and (from what I hear) they were all very excited to be back in their old stompin' grounds.

Oh, I almost forgot to tell y'all the big news!  The Princess is no longer the only girl in the program - she will now have a partner in crime.  According to The Hubbs, the second little gal in Mrs. G.'s class is almost the same exact size as The Princess.  My prediction: they'll be ruling the roost side-by-side before you can say "Mine."

I'm so very sorry I missed it, but The Hubbs and Grumma gave me some pretty detailed accounts of the one-hour open house today.  The Princess practically dragged The Hubbs back to her classroom, and she was very excited to see Mrs. G. again. 

As soon as the motor room was opened, she took off like a shot for the ball tent.  For those of you who don't know what this is, it's brilliant.  The school has a small camping tent set up in the autism motor room, and it's filled with ball-pit balls.  When it's not in use, the zippers are closed.  This allows for minimal cleanup and easy moving if needed.  Seriously, I think it's the best idea ever.

I know I'm beginning to ramble, and that's because I'm pretty stinkin' tired.  This whole workin' thing is gonna take some getting used to, but I can see that I'm going to love my new job.  Between the new gig, The Princess starting school again today, and gearing up for my fall semester that starts next week, we've got a lot on our plates around here.  I'm excited for all of it; I really am.

But for right now, the only thing I can think of is sleep.  ;)

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