Friday, August 13, 2010

Better Late Than Never

Okay, so I should have posted something this morning.  The problem is that I went to bed earlier than normal last night, and we all slept in today.  The day got going, and I totally forgot about my blog until now.

Seeing as how it's Friday the 13th, I thought I'd just give a shout-out to my buddy, T, who lives in Arizona.  His grandmother, Juliet, loved the number 13.  It was her lucky number, and Friday the 13th was always her favorite day. 

This tradition was passed along to T, who has come to love this day as well.  Not being a superstitious person, I have no reason to think poorly upon Friday the 13th.  And, being a glass-is-half-full kind of gal, I prefer to focus on the positive anyway.

T, buddy, we're thinkin' of you today.  Give your wife and the Little Man a hug from us, and enjoy the day, dear.

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