Friday, August 6, 2010


This week has been a whirlwind.  I started training for my new job on Tuesday, and since then I've spent time in the Big Bad City and one of the suburbs a little over an hour away.

I can't recall if I've told y'all very much about this job yet, so here's an overview.  I'm working for a concierge company that caters mostly to healthcare workers in hospitals and other treatment centers.  It's a benefit provided to the employees by their locations, and we do some really cool stuff.  Need an oil change?  We'll arrange to have it done during your shift.  Shoe repair?  Bring it in and we'll get it taken care of for you.  Dry cleaning?  No problem.  We'll let you know when it's ready.  We also offer discounted movie tickets, discounted tickets to Great America, and lots of useful coupons.  Forget to buy a present for someone, or just don't have the time?  We sell all sorts of gift cards.  Hell, we'll even gift wrap anything for you, any day of the year.  And it's all free of charge to the employees.  All they pay is the price of the service through the vendor.  Which is usually discounted for our users, by the way.

Pretty stinkin' cool, eh?

I've been in customer service since my high school days.  I have lots of experience.  After a couple days of training, I can see that this job is going to be a great fit for me.  It seems to combine my favorite things about all of my previous jobs all into one neat little package.

Day one of training was a broad overview.  By day two, we'd completed week three on the training schedule, and I was taking actual orders and helping customers.  Today, I'll be back in the suburbs again, practicing the system and working with the site manager and her customers again.

This month, I'm going to be all over the place.  I think I'll have worked at four different locations by the time I settle into my permanent home - fifteen minutes from where I hang my hat.  If you ask me, one month of hoofin' it is more than worth the fact that I'll be so close on a permanent basis.

I really like everyone I've worked with so far, and I'm excited to learn more while meeting other site managers. 

In case y'all haven't figured this out by now, I tend to be a glass-is-half-full kind of gal.  I realize this, and I wouldn't change it for anything.  And at the moment, I couldn't be more thrilled with where I am.


  1. This is SO great! I'm totally happy for you and equally as jealous about the service you provide. I so wish I had something like this when I was working.

  2. I am so glad that you are loving the new job!
