Friday, August 27, 2010

Tranquility and Relaxation

Today after work, The Princess and I will journey with Nana and Grampy to The Land of Beef Jerky. We shall spend the weekend hanging out with them and The Princess’s great grandparents in the family cottage way out in the woods.

Having been unemployed for so long, I suppose it’s understandable that The Hubbo Family hasn’t taken many vacations of late…and I’m truly looking forward to this. The cottage is on a beautiful lake out in the middle of nowhere, and I can’t think of anything that sounds better right now.

And…The Hubbs will have a glorious weekend all to himself. The poor guy has been running himself ragged with the start of my new job and school for both The Princess and myself. Being the amazing guy that he is, he sees that his gals have all we need and he takes great care of us. Unfortunately, we can be a bit on the high-maintenance side…The Princess because she is three, and me - well, also because The Princess is three.

Here’s hopin’ this weekend is filled with tranquility and relaxation for all.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, I hope you all have a wonderfully relaxing weekend and a very uneventful car ride ;)
