Monday, August 23, 2010

He Is

Fifty-four years ago today, a man was born. He is not in the history books. He is not rich and powerful. He is not famous. None of these things can even begin to hold a candle to what he is.

He is kind. Never in my life have I met another person whose kindness could rival his. He’s that sleeper guy, the one you'd never expect, who brings a smile to the heart of every person he touches.

He is loving. He got married in 1977. Once. That’s it. And he’s still head-over-heels in love with his wife. I hope that The Hubbs and I can have that kind of track record. Sure, there have been hurdles along the way…scratch that…they’ve been more like mountains. But you should see the way he looks at her. His kids have no doubt that they are the most adored offspring in the history of the world. And you should see the way his face lights up when he’s around young’uns now. Mostly the grandbaby, but others, too. After watching him for five minutes with a kid, you’ll be able to tell beyond the shadow of a doubt that this is a good man.

He is funny. I’m talkin’ class clown, life-of-the-party style funny. Everyone loves to hang out with him. So what if he’s a couple of decades older? This is one cool cat.

He is special. In so many ways…if I were to list them all here, you’d be reading a Tolstoy-length novel. Actually, I’m not sure even that would do him justice. Beneath the class clown exterior, you’ll find the sweetest teddy bear of a man you could ever imagine.

He is my daddy.

Happy birthday, Pop. I love you more than you could ever possibly know, and nothing I write could ever get all those feelings across. I am the luckiest gal in the whole wide world to have you in my life, and I thank God every day that you are my daddy. Remember “God’s Greatest Creation?” I read it a couple of weeks ago when I was over doin’ something with Momma. I think I was in junior high when I wrote that, and every single word is still true. The only difference is that now I have so many more wonderful memories that have you in them. And they’re wonderful because of you. I you, man. I you.


  1. I you too. It's not that hard to be a good Pop with great kids like I've got! Every parent should be 1/2 as lucky! You guys are the greatest and that's why I keep havin' birthdays!! Oh, that and I get to wake up and spend another day with your Momma.

  2. Awww, you guys are killin' me here! I need to call my Pops now and tell him I You too =D Happy Birthday Grumpa =D
