Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hot Dog

Two year ago yesterday, a little girl was born. Her momma is The Hubbs’ sister, Jello. Her daddy is Hank. She is K-Bear.

On Saturday, we attended the social event of the season: K-Bear’s second birthday party. It was Mickey Mouse Clubhouse themed, and it couldn’t have been more fun. Hot dogs, of course, were the main dish…in honor of the Hot Dog Dance. Recipes were laid out with all the fixings, explaining how to make a proper Chicago dog, an Ohio dog, and a chili dog. The food was wonderful.

K-Bear never ceases to amaze me. She is so very articulate, and maybe I notice this because I’m not used to it, but I swear it’s for real. This little sweetie pie has never had a problem telling it like it is, and I admire her for that.

In addition to the play room at Nana and Grampy’s suburban house, Jello thought to bring a kiddie pool with a slide. Brilliant! When The Princess began to go into overload, we changed her into a swimmer and she splooshed around outside to her little heart’s content.

Okay, I know I already mentioned the food. But the cake was fabulous! Jello and Hank made this amazing home-made frosting that tasted like a cross between butter cream and cream cheese. Nana decorated the cake with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse characters, and it was just adorable.

Oh, the presents! Everyone in the family seems to enjoy buying for little girls, and K-Bear got quite the haul this year. Between her Disney Princess tea set, her new library of books, the adorable hand-made (ahem) stuffed Gromit, and the other toys I’ve already forgotten, I’m sure she’s going to be busy for a long time.

It’s always nice to see the family, and I have to give a shout-out here to Jello. No matter what is going on, she always remembers to include some way for The Princess to get away and have her alone time when overload becomes imminent. Not only was the pool a godsend, but my ever-prepared sis-in-law even thought to put bubbles in the goodie bags. Needless to say, this was a humongous hit with my little girl.

All in all, it was a fantastic day. And, though this post is a day late due to my Pop’s birthday yesterday, I want to take this opportunity to once again wish K-Bear a very happy second birthday. Hot dog!

1 comment:

  1. Hehe, I'm SOOO glad you guys were there and had a good time. I love that little Princess of yours more SO much and the opportunity to see you guys is worth every pool and bubble maker we can find! You wouldn't believe how many compliments we got on Gromit. Most people were just completely shocked to hear you made him and he wasn't store bought! I'm so proud of you =D Between Mom and I there are some cute pictures of Princess splashing around. I'll post some for you to see and I can send any to you that you want. Love you guys! Super Cheers!!!
    (P.S. The next time you need some cheap entertainment, I recommend hanging streamers in a doorway!)
