Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Journey to the Land of Beef Jerky: Part Three

Walking "the road" was big fun...but nothing can compare to this in The Princess's eyes.

She splooshed and giggled, and giggled and splooshed.

And she even gave us her Pocahontas impression.  (If you click on the picture, you can see an enlarged version, in which her ear-to-ear grin is far more visible.)

Nana, Papa, Great Grammie, and Great Grampy had fun watching from shore while The Princess dragged her momma into the water, never even hesitating due to the slightly chilly temp.  Momma may not have been as excited about getting her belly wet, but it was well worth it for The Princess's sake.


  1. What spectacular pictures! Thanks Nana!

  2. Grumma - I heard about your fantastic trip to the beach for Grumpa's b-day. What a cute water bunny...Chloe I mean. I was happy to hear you found my son's "eyes".

  3. Oh my gosh, the smiles on that little Beauty's face are just unbelievable. I love her so much!
