Monday, August 9, 2010


Sookie has an unbelievable attachment to The Hubbs' best friend, Uncle D.  In our infinite maturity, The Hubbs and I tend to talk in silly little voices for the dogs (and The Princess) sometimes.  Okay, you caught me.  All day, every day.

Anyhoo, from time to time Sook Sook will begin "talking" about how she misses her Uncle D.  Inevitably, within a week of her "whining," we get a visit.  I'm beginning to think our puppy is psychic.

Whatever the connection is, I'm glad it's there.  It's always nice to see D, and - as an extra added bonus - Sookie got to sleep behind his knees.  Now, what could be better than that?

1 comment:

  1. Aww, that's so cute. How could anyone not love that little potato head (Sookie, not D ;) You guys have the two sweetest and most lovable dogs I've ever met. Poor Boogs was scared to death of them but she was pretty much scared of everything, lol!
