Monday, August 30, 2010

Journey to the Land of Beef Jerky: Part One

Eight hours.  How did it take that long?  I'm not really sure, but it did.

The Princess and I clambered into the back of Nana and Papa's car and settled in for the haul.  She was armed with toys galore, and I had my book.

She stole my sunglasses, as you can see.  Sometimes I think everything looks better on this kiddo.

Eight hours.  One Pull-Up.  I kid you not.  She didn't wet herself once during this entire epic car ride.  We hit every rest stop on the way to The Land of Beef Jerky, and The Princess tinkled at each and every one of them.  She learned about different kinds of flushers: the button on the wall, the lever on the wall, the dreaded sensor.  You see, she loves to flush the toilet, but she's only allowed to do so if she's actually left something in the pot.

There was a whole lot of flushing going on.

A long evening?  Absolutely.  Worth it?  You bet.  Stay tuned for more on The Princess's Adventures in the Land of Beef Jerky.

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