Thursday, August 19, 2010


Day Two of school seems to have gone well for The Princess.  Unfortunately, she's not used to this new schedule fact, she's so un-used to it that she slept where she fell at 3:30 yesterday afternoon until after 7:00 in the evening.

There's always a period of adjustment when her schedule changes.  We know this.  We deal with it.

But how do you deal with a hyper 3-year-old who's risen from a dead sleep only two hours before bedtime?  Stick her on the treadmill, of course!  The Princess marched her little body on that thing for twenty minutes yesterday evening.  I just can't seem to get over the cuteness of this particular activity.  She walks and flaps, sometimes doing her patented "bird face" at the thing while flapping.  These are the times when The Hubbs has to be on high alert.  He catches her before she hits the wall, and the whole process starts over again.

It's priceless. 

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