Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Princess and the Spoon

For three and (almost) a half years, The Hubbs and I have catered to The Princess's every need.  The most prevalent need, the one she began communicating before anything else, is food.  She waves bowls, wrappers, plates in the air, flapping frantically in a desperate attempt to receive sustenance.

At almost three and a half, The Princess is learning to use a spoon...slowly but surely.  From time to time, she'll grab a spoon and actually feed herself.  She's even started using a fork, stabbing chunks of chicken and guiding them into her pie-hole before going all chipmunk-cheeked.

She's always so proud of herself when it works.

My favorite story, though, happened on Wednesday morning of this week.  The Princess slept in again, rolling out of bed just before 11:00.  The Hubbs was making Cream of Wheat for breakfast, in which The Princess has never shown the slightest interest.  He and I sat at our places on the couch and loveseat, spooning our cereal into our mouths as she watched.

And then.

And then she climbed up in her Da's lap and took the spoon.  Interesting, no?  Since she doesn't usually care for this breakfast, we didn't immediately understand what she was getting at.

And then.

And then she guided the spoon - flawlessly, not a drop spilled - into Da's mouth.  She proceeded to feed him the rest of the cereal in his bowl, never spilling a drop.

Yep, I do believe this is my favorite story to date about The Princess and the Spoon.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, SO cute! I really have a "little sister" comment to make about this but I'll be nice (and just tell you in person ;) )
