Thursday, August 26, 2010


If you know me, you know that I can count my close friends - outside of my family, that is - on one hand.  Over the years, things have happened, things that were beyond anyone's control, things that have caused one friendship after another to fizzle.

But not this one. 

This chick introduced me to The Hubbs. 
This chick has put up with my craziness for the past six and a half years. 
This chick can make me laugh until I can't breathe. 
This chick sold me her house, and comes back to visit her old stompin' grounds often. 
This chick is a corporate powerhouse. 
This chick should not be messed with.
This chick is a fierce friend.
This chick was the maid of honor in my wedding, for good reason.

T, you are my best friend.  And, as you know, this is a remarkable thing, considering the fact that I've never really been able to get along with other girls.  Being the tomboy that I am, I never thought this would happen.  It took one hell of a chick to break through that wall.

You are strong.
You are beautiful.
You are special.
You are worth everything and more than you could ever possibly wish for.

I love you.  Happy, happy birthday, T.  Fried Twinkies, anyone???

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