Monday, February 25, 2013


Not to beat a dead horse or anything, but there is nothing cuter in my book than the gap between her teeth.

Monday, February 18, 2013


For nearly the last week, The Princess has had a new pastime: playing with her loose tooth.

It weebles.

It wobbles.

It wiggles.

And, apparently, it falls out.  Sometime during my flight to San Francisco for work, my girl lost her first tooth.  I found out when I called to check in with The Hubbs as my plane was taxiing to the gate.

You know what kills me?  I missed it.  I know there's no way to regulate these things, but there's a small part of me that really wishes it would have happened just a few hours earlier so I'd have been there.

But maybe if I'm really, super sweet on the phone, The Hubbs will send me a picture.  Ahem, cough, cough.  Hint, hint.  NUDGE.

I can't believe how big she's getting.  Our little girl isn't so little anymore.  And when I talked to her from the hotel, she busted out laughing when I mentioned her tooth.  I don't know which is bigger: the loss of the tooth or the fact that she actually listened to me on the phone.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Down For the Count

One of my New Year's resolutions for 2013 is to post here once a week. I came up with a schedule I could work with, and I've been doing really well so far.

Until this weekend. On Saturday, The Princess came down with the flu. It hit The Hubbs and me last night. At this point, all three of us are down for the count.

So, until we're back on our feet, this will have to do. Talk to you soon, friends.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Even Teddy Bears Deserve a Break

Remember Butterscotch?

He quickly became a member of The Princess's elite royal guard, and the two of them found fast friends in each other.  Though he's big, Butterscotch is really a - forgive the pun - total teddy bear.  He loves his girl, and he puts all of his energy into keeping her happy, as any good bear would.

Even teddy bears deserve a break.  I'd go so far as to say that teddy bears sometimes need more of a break than the rest of us.  Have you ever been dragged across the house by a five-year-old with a death grip on your ear?

Butterscotch learned very quickly that the time to get his R&R in is while The Princess is at school.  Once she barges through that door, all bets are off.

Most days, we see him sipping coffee or hoarding honey.  Sometimes, if we're very sneaky, we might even catch him reading.

Raising a five-year-old is hard work, you know.  If you ask me, this bear has earned some time to kick back and enjoy a good book.