Friday, July 16, 2010

Y'all Come Back Now, Y'Hear?

Three years in a row, The Hubbs and I have heard about a folk festival one town over...only to find that we've missed it each and every time. 

This year, however, we managed to find the information in advance.  The festival is this coming Sunday, and The Hubbs will hopefully be playing banjo at the open mic session.  His folks will be driving up to join us and spend some time with The Princess, and we're all very excited. 

The town where the festival is held has a charming little cobblestone square and a bunch of fun little shops to bum around in.  The center of the square is where I played summer band concerts when I was a kid, and it's got a beautiful gazebo in the center of a massive courtyard.  This is the same place that holds craft fairs, farmer's markets, and the like...if you were to see the square itself in a video, I feel certain you'd recognize it; a pretty well-known movie was filmed here for the most part. 

I really hope the weather holds out; the meteorologist chick said last night that it will be 92 and rainy, but I'm holding out hope that she's wrong (as usual).  Regardless of the weather, it should be a good time...stay tumed next week for updates!


  1. I'm SOOO jealous! I really wish I could be there to see B play :( I hope you or Mom/Dad record at least some of him playing. Break a leg Bro!
