Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Runnin' on Empty

A month.  That's how long I've had this stupid cough.  No matter what I do, it won't go away...and I'll be damned if I'm going to the doctor for it.  No insurance, plus the fact that it's only a cough and nothing else along with it, equals sooo not worth the exorbitant office visit and prescription fees.  Whatever they'd prescribe probably wouldn't work anyway.

So I shall continue hoping that it goes away on its own.  Don't get me wrong; it's getting better, just not as quickly as I happen to think it should.

I'm worrying a lot these days, what with the whole unemployment extension on hiatus until Congress can blah, blah, blah.  Every day, I'm looking for a job.  Every day, I diligently check everywhere I can think of for new opportunities.  Every day, I get this much more discouraged by the fact that I've now been out of work for eight months and have yet to receive an offer.  One interview...that's all I've had in these eight months.

Going to school at night is messing with me, too.  It's tough - okay, damn-near impossible - for me to pry myself out of bed when it's time to get The Princess on the bus in the morning.  Back to the cough: a large part of the reason why I have a difficult time getting to sleep at night.  On top of the fact that I don't get home until after The Princess has already gone to bed, that is.  I'm not one of those people who can come home and shut off; I need time to unwind.  Which means I'm not going to bed until the wee hours of the morning.

Something's gotta give.  I feel as though I'm running on fumes, and I just really want to get back to feeling like "me" again. 


  1. Yes, it sounds like what you need is rest, easier said than done!

  2. It will happen so enough....I promise. I can't imagine why you wouldn't get it:)

  3. I'm sorry Sis :( I really hope that cough goes away soon so you can get back on a normal schedule and start feeling better soon. I'm sure Tammy is right, the job side of things will happen soon :)
