Thursday, July 8, 2010


My very first tiger lily bloom, above, makes me so excited to see what the garden will look like when they're all open at once.  There's a line of these beautiful babies about thirty feet long, right down my fenceline, and this is their very first season here.  This particular plant is about as tall as I am, and has at least five more blooms getting ready to show their beautiful faces.

My first job interview in eight months is today.  I'll be commuting into the city to meet some bigwigs, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous.

My first midterm since starting college is tonight.  I've had tests in my other classes, but this is the first one with the midterm/final structure.  Yep, it's in Speech, so no biggie.  But a midterm is a midterm, right?

It's gonna be a big day, y'all. 


  1. Absolutely beautiful photograph. Were you laying on the ground to get it? Please send me a copy for the gardening file...and to use as a desktop photo.

    Best wishes today...and tonight.

  2. Big day! Have all my fingers and toes crossed for ya.

    I love the "no big deal" on the speech midterm. Obviously the class is working. The whole point is to get to the "no big deal" stage.

    I know the interview will go well. It's yer thing, it's yer shtick, it's what ya do!

  3. Oh wow, what a big day! Best of luck on the interview and the midterm. We'll be anxious to hear how they both go. Love you!
