Monday, July 26, 2010

Here Comes the Sun

I awoke to the sound of pouring rain...something I've grown very accustomed to over the last week or so around here.  We've been getting pounded with heavy downpours, severe thunderstorms, tornado watches, tornado warnings, and flood warnings.  The plants really needed this soaking, and I'm happy to report that there was no major damage in our neighborhood...and that the lake is still playing nicely on the other side of the seawalls where it belongs.

This past Friday, I woke early...with purpose.  It was 7:30, and my alarm wasn't set to go off until 8:00.  My body, however, couldn't wait that long.  I showered and got dressed, did my makeup and fixed my hair, ate my cereal and slurped the leftover milk, all while listening to the incessant pounding of the rain outside.

Just after 9:00, I crept out the kitchen door into our (thank goodness) attached garage.  The Hubbs and The Princess were still asleep.  Before sliding into the driver's seat, I grabbed the umbrella from the trunk and set it on the passenger side floorboard.  This was not a day to be caught without it.

Backing out of the garage, the rain pummeled my little car.  I turned the radio up high to drown out the pounding of the rain and the swishing of the wiper blades.  Thirty seconds after pulling out of my driveway, "Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey came on the radio, followed by a couple more of my all-time favorites.  Within fifteen minutes, I pulled into a parking spot in front of the building where I would have my interview at 9:30.

The clouds parted, and the sun peeked out.  I left the umbrella in the car.

I've been to this place many times before, and I know it pretty well...the public areas, anyway.  I discreetly made my way to the ladies' room to make sure my hair and makeup were still behaving properly before consulting the receptionist for directions to the HR office.

I thought I'd be nervous.  I kept telling myself that the butterflies would come, but all of a sudden I was in the office, meeting my interviewer, and finding that I felt more comfortable than I really had any right to feel.

I'm not sure, but I think the interview went well.  When an entire interview is spent smiling, laughing, and acting like old friends...and it ends with a handshake and a "welcome," that's a good thing, right?

Nothing's official yet, but I have a feeling it will be soon.


  1. Yay!! I am SO glad that things went well! I'm doing a happy dance right now!

  2. YAY!!! I am SOOOOOOO proud of you! =D This is the best news in a long time and so deserving. :)
