Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Hubbo Family Visit

It's not very often that we get to see JAK these days, since they moved out to Ohio.  This past weekend, we were lucky enough to spend a day with JAK, Nana and Grampy, and Great Grammie and Great Grampy.

The Princess had a ball.

Here she is taking a stroll through Nana's garden with Raffie.

Rocks are BIG fun.

Nana and Grampy had this really cool sprinkler thing.  Which.  She.  LOVED.

I'd have thought she'd be out there all day long.

Her cousin, K, wasn't too sure about it, though.


K doin' the Toddler March to get as far away from the sprinkler as humanly possible.

The Princess just couldn't get enough.

There were little streams of water everywhere, but this one was particularly interesting.

Poor K.

I had thought we'd have to pry her away from the sprinkler, but she decided on her own that it was time to dry off. 

Shortly after The Princess climbed the stairs to the house, she and Raffie led The Hubbs and me to the car to make our way home.  It was great to see everyone, and I really think we must do this more often.