Monday, July 19, 2010

Change In Plans

Well, it turns out the folk festival wasn't so much a festival as, well, a concert.  We had expected other events and attractions: crafts, farmer's market, etc., but apparently we weren't thinking along the same lines as the festival planners.

An outdoor concert in ninety-five degree heat is not exactly what The Princess would classify as "fun."  During our lap around the square, it quickly became apparent that we needed to change our plans, and fast.

The whole family piled back in the car, The Princess's chariot (wagon) stored safely in the trunk, and headed over to another town with its very own McDonald' of the few in the area with a large, air-conditioned play area for kiddos. 

On the way, we took a small detour to my school so I could show The Hubbs and The Princess the pretty garden that is maintained by our horticulture students.  It's a good thing we did, too, since the play place was horrifically crowded to the point that there was absolutely no way The Princess was going to enjoy herself.  Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the garden:

She couldn't have been happier...we got to the gates and set her free.  Sundays are great; we had the whole place to ourselves.

The Princess really enjoyed exploring all of the islands...and the mulch didn't hurt, either.  ;)

Two seconds after this picture was taken, she fell butt-first into one of those planters of impatiens...oops!

My little angel.

My two favorite people: The Hubbs and The Princess.

Can you tell it was hot?  Her face is bright red!  But the lilies were pretty amazing.

Sometimes I think these spur-of-the-moment outings are the most fun.  I'm really bummed for The Hubbs that this festival wasn't all he had hoped for, but I love his ability to change plans when something doesn't fit for The Princess.  One of these days, he'll get to play with other folk musicians, if I have anything to say about it...but for now, I'm just thankful that he's the best Da in the whole wide world.

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