Friday, July 30, 2010

By Request

I recently received a request for The Princess to write one of her famous here ya go!


Hey, everybody!  My Nana and Grampy said they miss me, so I guess it's time for me to get my cute on.  Here's another Day in the Life of The Princess!

11:00 AM: I just ain't ready to start my day yet.  Come on back a little later, k?

11:28 AM: Well, I guess I gotta get up sometime.

11:42 AM: Okay, I'm up!  Get me things.

11:45 AM: Yum, lemonade!

Afternoon: lookit me go!  I love this thing.

Sometime in the afternoon: I just got finished walkin' on the treadmill!  I think it's super-fun to walk without really goin' anywhere.

Later in the afternoon: Hey, Nana...I'm minin' some really excellent gold here.  Y'want some???

While Momma was at school: Da stuck this thing on my head and made me sit still for pictures.  Don't worry.  I'll get my revenge!

Well, I hope you all enjoyed a glimpse into my day.  I really like it when I don't have school, so I can sleep in like a teenager.  Then, my favorite thing is to make Momma and Da run around like crazy to keep me just a little happy for the rest of the day.

I miss my grandparents.  All of you.  Since I'm The Princess, I order you all to come over here and do my bidding really soon.  Or else!


  1. Love the "walkin'" video!!!!!
    Miss you too and love seeing your day.

  2. SO cute! That dress and those sheets are awesome =D

  3. I love the video. Da watching over the Princess learning to use the treadmill. So cute. Nana

  4. Thank you VERY much Amy for the day in the life blog!!! Nana
