Wednesday, September 29, 2010

On The Other Side

"The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence." ~Unknown

We've all heard the saying, or some version of it. The reason I'm sitting at my computer contemplating this quote at ten o'clock at night is that I've had a really, really long day. I'm burning out, but it's sporadic. What the hell is up with that?

I'll tell you what's up with that: I'm not on a set schedule, so I can't exactly get used to anything the way things are right now.  Some weeks I work three days; others I work five.  During the weeks when I work five days, I can seldom even remember what day it is.  Every week, I go to night school three out of five days.  On two of those three days, I don't even see The Princess.  She's sleeping when I leave, and she's sleeping when I get home.  There are times when I go forty-eight hours without laying eyes on her.

And she's been sick.  Fortunately, The Hubbs tells me that today was a good day.  Apparently, The Princess learned how to hop "the fence" and is now comfortably residing on "the other side."  I can't wait to see her tomorrow night when I get home from work.  I'm really jonesing for a Princess fix right about now, but I can't risk waking her.  She has school in the morning, and if I accidentally woke her now, she'd never get enough sleep tonight.

My over-tired rambling does have a point, I promise.  That point is this: if The Princess can do it, so can I.  God never gives us anything we can't handle, right?  Now, it's just time to muddle through and wait to come out on the other side, where the grass is sure to be greener.

It's only a matter of time.

1 comment:

  1. Yuck! It stinks trying to get back in the groove. I know you're right though and pretty soon you'll be Stella and you'll have your groove back :)
