Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Camping With the Gals

Over the last few weekends, T and her little sister, C, have been camping up in our neck of the woods.  For years I've been saying I wanted to go with T, but something always comes up.  Well, not this time.

On Friday after work, The Princess and I piled in the car with our tent and sleeping bags, and we took off for the campground (about 25 minutes from home).  I figured this would be the perfect way to get her feet wet with the whole camping thing...if it all went sour, I could just hop in the car, take her home, and head back out with the gals.

She.  Loved.  It.  The highlights were playing in the tent, which involved smashing her face against the screen and giggling uncontrollably; FIRE!; and the bestest thing in the history of things: the flashlight!  C had the brilliant idea to hand The Princess a flashlight on the way to the bathrooms, and the little one couldn't have been more pleased.  She flung that thing around like there was no tomorrow, making it look like we were in a club with a strobe light.  The Princess stayed Friday night with us, and I brought her home to her Da on Saturday before heading back out to the campsite late Saturday afternoon.

Naturally, I didn't bust out the camera until my way out of the park on Sunday, so there aren't any pics of The Princess or the gals around the fire.  I was pretty bummed when I realized that, but we had a great time.  Even though it rained a bit, it was - for the most part - a beautiful weekend.  And relaxing.  I had forgotten how relaxing camping could be, and I'm so glad I went.  I really needed this.

I love autumn, and all of the beautiful colors that are beginning to show through.  The flowers are gorgeous, the air is crisp and cool, and it feels like the perfect time for a bonfire.  Can't get much better than that.


  1. Amy...these photos are great. You need to write about the trip to the Craft Fair, Claw Hammer Banjo Contest and Fall Fest too.

    I'm glad you were able to kick-back and relax.

  2. Um you left out a couple of details......Definitions and one specific thing you learned about men.

  3. I knew you were going to mention that! Hmm...how to clean up "Cosmo by the Campfire" for the general audience? Here goes nothin'...

    My vocabulary was expanded on Saturday night, thanks to C's reading of Cosmo by the light of our propane lantern next to the campfire. Did you know these words?

    -Coregasm: apparently, this is something that can occur when doing crunches.

    -Sexomnia: apparently, though I don't understand how, walking ain't the only thang you can do in your sleep, if you catch my drift.

    There was one section of 100 questions that had us gasping for air...when we weren't snorting, that is. A couple of choice tidbits:

    -The average man gets eleven, um...yeah's, per day.
    -It's possible to break it. Yes, it. You know what I mean. So, boys, be careful!

    Good golly, was this a fun - and educational! - weekend!

  4. Wow those pictures are beautiful. I'm so glad you all had such a great time. Sounds like a lot of fun :)
