Sunday, April 10, 2011


Tomorrow, The Princess will turn four.

Over the last few months, The Hubbs and I have found great joy in letting her choose her own gifts from us by setting her loose in her favorite toy store and buying the one item - whatever it may be - that she can't live without on that particular day.

Yesterday, The Grumps and I took The Princess to this toy store, where she chose a Melissa & Doug jewelry beading set as her present from them.

Since we had just been there terrorizing the lovely staff of her favorite store yesterday, The Hubbs and I decided that today might be a day for a different shopping destination.  We headed to our nearest Toys "R" Us, where The Princess proceeded to fall head-over-heels in love with this adorable little pink 12" girls' bike.

A bike, huh?  I can deal with that.

So we decided to do a little bit of shopping around, and this is what we came up with:

After riding it all through the store, The Princess sat patiently in line (key word: PATIENTLY) and allowed the nice cashier to zap it.  She then rode all the way out to the car with The Hubbs and me, and allowed us to put it in the trunk without a fight.

And then we got home.  As soon as she got out of her car seat, well, I'll let her show ya:

That little Elvis-style curled lip just kills me.  It's like she's saying, "Thank you, thankyouverymuch."

She hasn't quite figured out the whole pedaling thing yet, but my guess is that it won't be long.  :)


  1. She is so adorable and hilarious! What a beauty and such a big girl. I CANNOT believe it was four years ago that you brought that beautiful little girl into our lives. Thank you!!!

  2. I know...I can't believe it, either! That said, I simply can't imagine my life turning out any other way. I guess I'll keep her. :)
