Sunday, April 24, 2011


We're all up early before I need to leave for school.  The whole family, all in good spirits, is hanging out in the living room.

I'm goofing around with my iPod Touch, messing with Facebook or some other such time-killer, when The Princess climbs into my lap and lays her sparkling baby blues on me.

Something makes me decide to turn on one of her favorite albums on the iPod, and she starts dancing.

Swaying back and forth, grinning from ear to ear, she sits in my lap and "dances" with me through four whole songs.

I sing.

We sway.

She giggles.

I giggle.

The eye contact, the participation, the attention span: I am in awe of this little girl every day of my life.

Leaps and bounds, folks.  Leaps.  And.  Bounds.

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome, just awesome!!! I'm SOOO proud of her, and you guys =D
