Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Today, my oldest baby turns six.  I simply can't believe it's been that long.  That means I bought my house six years ago May, that I got married six years ago October, and that my life is going by much more quickly than I ever thought it could.  I am now beginning to understand those well-meaning folks who have always told me to make sure I savor every moment...because the time seems to speed up as you get older.

But enough of that. 

DeeYoJi, Dee, Bubbles, Bun, Run-bun, Madame Blobula (and all of your other nicknames that no one will understand here):

Your mommy loves you very much.  Consider this an electronic belly rub, and I'll make sure you get the real thing when I get home.

Happy, happy birthday to my oldest girl (aka my Beautiful, Bodacious Birthday Bun).

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