Sunday, May 22, 2011

Tornado Sirens, Power Outages, and a Pathetic Little Princess

I had intended to take this evening to upload my pictures and at least start to fill y'all in on the amazing experience we had at Walk Now for Autism Speaks in Chicago, but apparently the universe had different plans.

After the power went out and the tornado sirens went off in our little town, The Princess proceeded to get violently ill all over her room. While she was giggling away in the bath tub as though nothing had happened, The Hubbs and I notified school and the transportation company that she would be staying home tomorrow.

Not even a half-hour after her bath, it happened again.

Needless to say, we were all exhausted by this point.

And then, all cleaned up and in another fresh onesie while her sheets and my clothes were in the washer, she looked ready for bed. We gave her kisses and laid her down, and she got sick yet again.

As I've been typing this on my iPod, it happened AGAIN.

It's gonna be a long, hard night, folks. Wish us luck.

(I'll get to the walk eventually, I promise. Just not tonight.)

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