Friday, May 13, 2011


Last night, I took my last final of the spring semester.  I'm very proud of the fact that I was able to maintain straight A's, even though I had one of the butt-head-iest teachers of all time in an already challenging class.

I'm also excited to be entering into the final stretch of classes for my associate's degree.  10 credit hours over the summer, 7 in the fall, and then graduation.

But first?  A whole month of freedom.  Freedom to leave work and go home, play with my kid, hang with my hubby, kick back, and do nothing.  I want to see exactly how much nothing I can cram into this brief reprieve from my self-imposed hectic-as-heck schedule.  Wish me luck!


  1. Congrats! I couldn't imagine trying to go back to school with a normal job and kid. Must be crazy - enjoy your month off to relax!!!

  2. Thank you, ma'am! It's interesting...that's for sure. Don't know what I'll do with all of my free time when it's all over. ;)
