Thursday, May 19, 2011

Three Days

We've got three days left until the Walk Now for Autism Speaks event at Soldier Field in Chicago (a.k.a. The Big Bad City). 

This fundraiser is taking place on Saturday, May 21, bright and early.  It's a three-mile walk along Chicago's lakefront, starting at Soldier Field.  There's no fee to join the walk, which will be followed by an after-party and family resource fair, but you do have to register if you plan to walk.

If you've been thinking about it - or even if you haven't until now - there's still time.  You can sign up to walk with the One Mom's Journey team by clicking on the puzzle piece graphic at the top of this page.  When you see my smiling face on your screen, click on the "My Team Page" link right above my head.  Then click the link to "Join Our Team."

Like I said, there's no registration fee...but this IS a fundraiser, first and foremost.  Each and every walker who raises $150+ by walk day will receive their very own snazzy tee shirt with the walk logo on it.  I'm psyched to get mine, and I'll likely be sporting it while dragging The Princess and her cousin in their two-seater wagon on Saturday.

Can't join us, but still want to help?  Click on the puzzle piece above to make a donation on my page.

Don't want to join OR help?  That's cool, too.  I'm an easy-going kind of chick. 

1 comment:

  1. I, for one, can't wait! Also, don't think that you need to wheel the girls around. Why do you think I'm bringing the Hubs? ;)
