Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Another Long (and long overdue) Update

Yep, we're still alive and kickin' here.  It is absolutely amazing to me how fast time is passing...I can't seem to keep up, let alone find the time to post a blog.  Rest assured, though, we're doing fine.

Since my last posting, The Princess performed in her first Christmas program at school.  This was, by far, the cutest thing that has ever happened.  I am fortunate enough to work five minutes from her school, so I met The Hubbs, Grumpa, Hambone, and Nana there for my "lunch break."  Three sweet little kiddos with autism, sitting in front of a large audience made up of their family members.  Two sweet little kiddos with autism, screaming their bloody heads off and barely making it through the first number.  One sweet little Princess with autism, swaying to the music, clapping her hands, and clutching that Santa hat to her head for dear life.  I was so proud, I thought I'd burst.

It's funny, but we always have a tendency to shy away from developmental conversations with family.  This cousin is doing this, this cousin is doing that, and The Princess is nowhere near their levels...despite the vast age difference with The Princess being the oldest.  When it comes to this kind of thing, I tend to will myself not to notice.  She is who she is, and there's no reason to compare.

But at the Christmas program I really saw first-hand much of the progress Mrs. G. was raving about during our parent-teacher conference in November.  Hearing that The Princess can tune out other kids' tantrums is one thing...an abstract concept.  Seeing her continue happily through the program while two other kids melted down right next to her?  Crazy.  If I hadn't seen it, I wouldn't believe it.

Christmas was wonderful, and - of course - The Princess was spoiled.  Between her new keyboard with all sorts of synthesizer sounds from Nana and Grampy, her super-duper cool rocker/teeter totter from Santa, her tent from Grumma and Grumpa, and her fish tank from Hambone and D, we're going to have to hope she doesn't expect anyone to top this next Christmas!

She's back in school after her winter break, and so am I.  The Princess is now staying one hour longer per day, leaving after lunch, and arriving home in the early afternoon.  I attended my first lecture on Saturday, and I'm gearing up for another semester of insanity (but in a good way!). 

Work is good.  Just moved to our new office in the hospital, and I love it. 

The Hubbs is still The Hubbs, meaning he is still the bestest of the best, both on the Daddy front and the Hubby front.  This man is a superhero, the likes of which I've never encountered before.  His estrogen-fighting powers alone should qualify him for his very own cape and tights...poor guy, surrounded by gals all the time, and still manages to be so great.  Yep, definitely somethin' super there.

Well, since it seems as though I'm transitioning into the once-a-month War-and-Peace post, I suppose it's time for me to go.  Hope y'all are havin' as fun a time with things as we are!


  1. Do you know how long I have been waiting for you to post? :P

    So glad to hear that things are going well with you all and the Princess is making such great strides!


  2. Hey Sis! I saw Mom's video of the Christmas program and I was shocked at how Awesome Princess did!!! I couldn't believe that with those other two cuties just losing it that she stayed so calm and happy. I was blown away and SOOO proud of her! It might be hard for other people to understand but for those of us who know her and how far she has come, this was a huge step. I'm so proud of her and both of you!
