Friday, May 21, 2010

Big Day

Happy 33rd wedding anniversary to my folks, AKA "The Grumps."

To Sookie: Happy fourth anniversary of becoming a member of The Hubbo Family.

Happy last day of school to my little princess.

To my friends who should have already arrived in Hawaii: happy wedding weekend.  I know tomorrow will be something special that you will never forget.

I love you all.


  1. Wow - this is a big day. Give Chloe & Sook a hug from the Nana... I'll send a note to your folks. Love!

  2. Wow, Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!!! And Woot to Chloe on her last day of school :) So happy she has adapted to it so well. Lastly, so happy the Super Sooker is a part of the Clan. Wouldn't be the same without her meaty forehead for lubbins.
