Friday, April 30, 2010


First, it was Bear.  Next came Teddy, followed by Twister.  This time, it was Svala.

Svala is eighteen years old, and quite a bit shorter than Bear, Teddy and Twister.  She is a sweetheart, and The Princess loved every moment of it.  It's a good thing, too, since her guardian angels were here for this session.

On a slightly different note: we made it.  Today is the last day in April, which means her insurance coverage starts over the weekend.  Next week, we're back to speech therapy with Miss Cyndi after horsie time.  Guess that means I should start talkin' with Sakina's place so we can get the princess back into her in-clinic OT sessions...

One thing's for sure...we're never at a loss for things to do around here!


  1. Yay for May!!! I'm so glad you'll be able to get back in with Sakina and Miss Cyndi. How wonderful. Svala looks like a sweetie. I love how they have her "hair" styled. Chloe always looks so little on the back of these horses but she always looks like she is having a good time. I'm so glad. Can't wait to see you all in two weeks =D

  2. Yay...two weeks! And by that time, I will be done with my first semester. ;)

  3. When does Grumma get to see the horsies?
