Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I Need Your Input

Hey y'all!

Listen, I need you to think about something - really think about it - and let me know where you stand.  Be honest.  It won't take but a minute of your time...comments - positive and negative - would be very helpful.

If there was a comic book/graphic novel available regarding everyday life with someone who has autism, would you buy it?  Would you give it to your friends/family members as an awareness aid?  Do you think enough people would be interested?

Much appreciated,
One Mom


  1. I think this is an excellent and exciting idea. It wouldn't get the same wide spread attention that kids give to a "rock-em, sock-em" comic or the fun/silly purchase power of a "Rose" ish type book, but it would be very helpful to many people.

    This would help expand understanding and the nuances of autism such as how to determine if this is an issue (every parent should get a copy from their Dr. office when their child turns 1 year old). It would help the extended family and friends understand the concern and process of working and helping an autistic child.

    Your blogs have been sooo helpful to me, this would just broaden the number of people exposed to your insight and LOVE!

  2. I definitely think people would be interested, it is such a big topic and issue right now. And it's something a little different!

  3. I'm not sure if I would purchase as it would need to be both touchingly funny and seriously educating as to the challenges and needs for the person with autism as well as for the family. Hard to imagine one could pull that off - but certainly if one has the impulse I think it would be worth the effort to give it a go and get feedback as to the response.

  4. Are you talking one book or a series? Just wondering.

  5. Thanks, everyone.

    J - not sure yet. We're just trying to figure out what would be the best bet if we were to go ahead with something like this. Another suggestion was made on FB that we present it more like a children's book, which could be cool too.

  6. Oh I like the children's book idea a lot. I think that would be VERY cool and for sure I'd buy that because then we could read it together. I have this one kids book that was mine from way back when called "Different and Alike" (I believe) and it was all about what things made us different (some people are in wheelchairs, some talk different, etc.) but that even with differences, we are all alike in other ways and wanted to be treated the same. Anyway, I can see if I can find it and bring it the next time I'm in town to give you guys some ideas. I don't know if that's the path you'd be taking as far as story goes or anything but I think that as a children's book, it's a really great idea.

  7. Wow! You betcha! What a great idea.
    How about making it available as a comic and a children's book? Even as a pamphlet for pediatricians offices.
