Friday, January 15, 2010

Waking Up Laughing

I opened my eyes this morning to the hushed sounds of The Hubbs taking care of The Princess...sitting her on the pot (fruitless, though the endeavor might have been), changing her Pull-Up, setting her up with a sippy cup and a bowl of trail mix to start her day.

The shutting of her bedroom door, and the sound of him retreating to the downstairs office to start his work day.

I couldn't help but smile, thanks to that sweet man.

Mere minutes later I dragged myself out of bed when I heard The Princess singing ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma in her room.  I know it's not on purpose, but every time I hear that sound out of her sweet little mouth I can't stop myself from "answering" by scooping her up for a hug.  She certainly doesn't seem to mind.

Today is our "day off".  No therapy.  No play group.  Just me and my kiddo.

She is currently singing happily while running from one end of the house to the other, raspberry filling from a recent cereal bar smeared across her face, her un-brushed hair flying out in tendrils behind her.  She couldn't be happier. 

Sometimes I get so caught up in the therapies and other hullaballoo that I forget to stop and smell the roses.  Well, not today.

I've been doing a little bit of soul-searching lately, especially this morning...after yesterday being one of "those" days.  I'm beginning to understand what's important to me, and that I'm not alone.

Believe me - this is a big deal for someone who is used to people nodding their heads with empty expressions when she talks about her kid.  They pretend to understand, but they can't possibly even begin to scratch the surface. 

There are so many people out there who truly understand.  It's just a matter of finding them.

You may notice some differences to the format of all the stuff you see to the right side of your screen while you're reading this.  Pay attention.  And if you only follow one of those links, make it diary of a mom

This perfect stranger touched me more than she will ever know with her blog and an understanding comment on my previous post.


  1. I'm so glad yesterday was a better day for you. I'm sure it's very easy to get caught up in all of the therapies, etc. but you are very good and stopping to realize what is most important, that awesome, beautiful little kiddo of yours! You're a great mommy and I'm so proud of you!

  2. The good days, by far, outnumber the bad. But the bad ones come out swinging relentlessly.

    Can I just say that I love having this page, even if you're the only one reading it? I feel like I get to "talk" to you more and more these days, even though you've moved farther away.

    Hooray for sisters!

  3. Yeah, I had one of "those days" myself yesterday. Just cried and cried, not for really any particular reason. This second pregnancy seems so different than the first with the constant queasiness and fatigue that I feel like I'm not being a very good mom to Kaitie because I just don't feel "right". I have to say though, it felt great to cry and talk about it with Adam. I guess I shouldn't beat myself up too bad because of course this pregnancy is going to be different, I didn't have Bear the last time. Duh! Anyway, I know *exactly* what you mean. I feel like I get to "talk" to you more now too. In fact, I've been thinking about starting my own, just so you can hear what's going on with us. Balk actually mentioned it once. How cute is that?!? A brother wanting to know what's going on with his sister... adorable!

  4. Adorable, indeed. :)

    Sorry to hear you had one of those days. I know we all do from time to time, but that doesn't make it suck any less. Once again, I have to sing your hubby's praises. I love that you have someone who loves you so selflessly and is there for you no matter what.

    I definitely think you should start your own blog. It's not like you have anything else to do, what with your challenging job of sitting on the couch watching soaps and eating bonbons all day. ;)

    Please say hello to Adam for me and hug that gorgeous little girl - or if you can get a head bump, all the better.

    Love you!
