The Princess has been a hot mess at school recently: random tantrums and fits of crying, major GI issues, and general crankiness - all of which are well outside her normal repertoire - have all been causes of concern on the part of her school staff and us at home.
You may remember hearing about the poop situation. It got so bad at school that The Fabulous Mrs. G. made a concerned phone call and we discussed the oddity of the situation. She seemed to have non-stop diarrhea at school, but at home it was not very prominent at all.
She's been home from school since Monday of last week, and we're seeing it now. It's still not, it was for her at school, but it's there. Time for a visit to the pediatrician, methinks.
The crankiness and random fits of crying, I think I can explain. The Hubbs looked at The Princess this weekend and marveled at how tall she is. All of a sudden, every pair of pants she owns is once again too short. Lovely. Just as we're moving into fall, of course. Sigh.
So she's had a growth spurt again. I almost wonder if this isn't to blame for most of what's been going on that is out of character for her. Every growth spurt affects her differently, but they all affect her in some big way or another. There have been spurts during which she couldn't keep her eyes open, spurts during which she was in a constant manic state, spurts that made her cranky, and spurts that seemed to upset her little tummy.
Could it be that she's in the middle of the granddaddy of all spurts?
Maybe. But this poop thing has been going on long enough that we need to check it out. The pediatrician can tell us what he thinks...even if he agrees that all is well in our Princess-dom, at least we'll know. And, if not, at least we'll have a plan of action.
But, for now, The Princess shall remain on her impromptu vacation.
Hey! Keep me updated about what the pediatrician says. I'm worried about my little Princess :(