Monday, December 6, 2010

Real or Fake?

Real or fake: that's the question that's buzzing around my FB page today regarding this very picture.  I find it interesting that everyone's initial reaction is to think, "That must be fake."

Here I am to assure you all that, cross my heart, this picture is real.  I'd never seen such a well-defined snowflake in my life until this morning, which is why I immediately ran for the camera.  This photo has not been touched up, airbrushed, or otherwise faked in any way.

The beauty of nature is simply amazing at times, isn't it?


  1. I think Mom is right and you should submit that to a local news station or something. It's too perfect of a picture not to let others see it. Great job, Sis.

  2. Thanks, Jello! I actually did send it to channel 7...I'm sure your folks will let me know if they see it on the news. But I'm sure they get loads of photo submissions, so I'm pretty sure it will just have to be something I share with friends and family. ;)
