Sunday, October 31, 2010

Presenting...The Flamenco Dancing Princess!!!

Two summers ago, Nana and Grampy went to Spain and came back with the most adorable little flamenco dancer dress ever.  Unfortunately, it was far too large for The Princess then.

Now, however...


My little angel, glowing in the sun.

The Princess and her beloved Da, with her first-ever Jack-O-Lantern.

Me and my baby.  Oh, and Jack, of course.

The whole famn damily!

Leaves are fun.

Go figure.  A gigantic texture bin.  :)

This fun little photo shoot was followed by trick-or-treating, and we actually made it all the way around the block this year!  After that, we headed next door to Ms. A's house for the annual party and ate like piggies.

Now, at 8:00, The Princess is attempting to melt into her mattress.  It was a big day, don'tchaknow.

Happy Halloween, y'all!

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