Monday, October 11, 2010

Girls' Night Out in the Big Bad City

Yes, I know I've been neglecting my blog.  I can't help it.  School and work leave very little time for luxuries like blogging, especially given the fact that I am often faced with this choice: blog or see my daughter.  Guess who wins?  You got it.  Every time.

Nonetheless, I need a goof-off day every once in a while.  This past weekend I visited my bestie, T, in the Big Bad City, and we had a great time with her little sister.

 Gee, can you tell which Big Bad City is close to me?  It's the bean, people, the BEAN!

 This is the stage in Millennium Park, all lit up for the free country music festival.

 That itsy-bitsy little person waaaaaaaayyy down there on the stage is Jewel. 

While we were on the outskirts of the festival watching Jewel play, Where's Waldo made a cameo in the crowd.  I kid you not, people.  Some dude was weaving his way through the crowd decked out in full Where's Waldo attire.  Too bad it was too dark to get a proper picture!

 Yes, they actually have signs for that.  The city cracks me the hell up sometimes!

 This is the bar we headed to after the festival to see one of our coworkers' bands play.  Kind of a fun little place, complete with hammered 21-year-olds running around, dancing like Elaine from Seinfeld, and singing at us.  Yes.  At us.  With gusto.

Aaaannnd....I feel I must add a small section here to talk about Teen Wolf.  Yep, we saw him, too.  He plays a guitar.  Badly.  He also has this goofy habit of jerking his head around while he's playing that is really kind of uber-distracting.  It would tick me off if his band didn't suck.  Which they did.  In fact, I'd have to say that the only thing they excelled at was sucking.  Oh, and making us giggle with their arm-hair halos and weird movements.  Not a total loss, I guess!

 DL, one of the bigwigs at our company, showing a different side of himself.  The man has an incredible gift, and I really enjoyed getting to see his band play.  I always think it's kind of cool to see people from work in their real-life element, too.  I feel as though it gives me a better idea of who they really are.

 Goofy girls' night shot of our hand stamps.  No reason, really, but I thought it looked kinda cool.  :)

I had a fabulous time (again!!) with T and C, and I'm coming to cherish our girls' nights.  Whether it's camping at the state park and getting reprimanded by the ranger (ahem), sinking into the couch in our jammies to watch guilty pleasure wedding shows on TV (T, you'll be interested to know I watched Bridezillas and Amazing Wedding Cakes at home since you dropped me off -- you've made an addict out of me!), or zoomin' around the city, it's always a good time.  My face still hurts from laughing so hard...and sometimes, well, sometimes I just plain need that.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome! I'm so glad you got the chance to get out and blow off some steam. You sure are a busy bee lately so it's nice to get that break.
