Saturday, February 12, 2011


The Hubbs happened to be in the midst of one of "those" days earlier this week. You know, those days when the universe seems to be endlessly entertained by making everything go just wrong enough that you begin to feel hopeless? Yeah, one of those.

You know as well as I how hard it is to pull yourself out of these can be nearly impossible sometimes. This is why we need help from time to time, don't you think?

And sometimes that help comes from where you'd least expect it to.

On this particular day, a sweet little Princess was especially observant. She noticed something wasn't right with her daddy, and she decided to do something about it. Climbing in his lap with the world's biggest smile on her face, she looked him square in the eye and said the one thing that could make it all better.


It's happened once or twice before, but this time it was deliberate. How do I know? The Hubbs told me that she grinned from ear to ear right before and after she said it. She thought about her daddy and what might make him feel better, and she climbed into his lap, made eye contact, and said his name. Nothing else; just that one miraculous, deliberate syllable accompanied by a grin.

Sometimes the little things can just be so big.


  1. Loved this. What a sweetheart to give her Daddy lovin' just when he needed it most!

  2. Wow that is just so awesome and precious. What a little doll. What a beautiful event :)
