Thursday, July 24, 2014

Red House 2014: Day Five (Tuesday, July 15)

Tuesday, July 15

So, here's the thing.  This may look like the same stuff over and over to you, but - and this is gonna sound terrible - I just don't care.  This is what vacation always was for me growing up, and I feel so blessed to be able to share it with my family now that I'm a momma.  The fact that we get to do this with The Grumps is just the icing on the cake for me.

For The Princess, cabins are for eating and drinking in between outings to the water: lake versus pool, she doesn't care.  As long as she can swim, she's happy.  And floating in the middle of the lake is dandy, but beachin' is a major favorite activity.

10:00 am: This, my friends, is what happens when you
wait too long.  Girls take matters into their own hands,
and Speedos become very interesting contraptions indeed.

10:12 am: A little bit of pool kung fu with Da never hurt anyone.  This
picture kills me.

2:11 pm: We're back on the boat, and Piggy just loves it (and her daddy).
A cold front has moved through, and it's much cooler - in the high 70's to
low 80's, where the temp will remain for the rest of our trip.  Super weird
for this time of year, but really comfortable for cruising and beachin'.

4:34 pm: Meanwhile, back at the island, The Princess has been claimed.

5:21 pm: Family photo!  At least you can see all of us.  So what if one kid is
basking in the sun and the other is ramming potato chips into her mouth?

Before returning to the dock, we stopped off for gas and pizza at a marina close to the island.  I have to say my expectations were not very high for the marina pizza, but I was pleasantly surprised.  It was super yummy and exactly what I needed after a day in the sun and water.

6:49 pm: There are no words for how proud I am of my sweet little Piggy.
She stunned us many times on this trip, and she was such a good girl.

7:10 pm: The view from my seat on the way back to the
dock, Jessie leading the way.

7/16/14 12:19 am: Well, this is what I get for going to bed
so late.  That's my pillow she's passed out on.  Yes, I
carefully crawled in around her and took the hard-as-a-
rock resort pillow so she wouldn't have to move.

The main problem with the cooler temperatures: sunburn.  The Hubbs and Grumpa both kind of roasted themselves to a crisp today, never thinking to apply more sunscreen because it wasn't super-hot outside.  Just a guess: they won't be making that same mistake again.


  1. Ugh, sunburn. The bane of my summer existence. I hope it didn't bother them too long. Great family photo and that one of the Princess with her bathing suit on backward is so darn funny. It kind of reminds me of the get up Lilu wears in Fifth Element. Also, the picture of my brother in the pool with the Princess looks so much like [A]. I think it's the shaved head and the glasses but I had to do a double take on that one.

    1. Not as much in the bigger version but in the small version they look very much alike.

    2. That's hilarious! Better be careful...don't wanna mistake your bro for your honey. That could get awkward quick. :)
