Wow. It's been a while, I know. Grab yourself a cup of tea - don't worry about me; I've already got one - and let's sit down and chat.
How've you been? Sorry for being MIA for so long. A lot has happened around here, and I'm not really sure where to even begin.
(Buckle your seat belts, comes a rambling post in which I'll try to catch y'all up on everything at once, and we all know how well
that usually works out!)
The Grumps went a little nutso for Christmas and spent too much money on The Princess. Big surprise, I know. This year, her present from them involved a trip to the Stride Rite store for new shoes. Her previous pair of Stride Rites had lasted what seemed like forever, and the Velcro was wearing out, so we had to bite the bullet and get a new pair. Which she wore a hole in - I'm talking through the rubber
and the underlying leather - in just under two months. Yep. That's my girl! This resulted in a funny letter home from The Fabulous Mrs. G., followed by an evening trip to WalMart for a new pair of $10 Garanimals sneakers. If she's causing blowouts in her shoes that quickly, I'd rather chew on shards of broken glass than continue to pay Stride Rite's prices.
Grumpa. Oy. Grumpa. For those of you who come here to read all about The Princess and nothing but The Princess, you may not be aware of the fact that my pop had a pretty major heart attack eight years ago, at the ripe-old age of forty-seven. On February 2, he went in for an angiogram and ended up being admitted to the hospital where I work. On February 3, he had triple bypass surgery. He was in the hospital for a grand total of nine days before being released into Gumma's care at home. This past Thursday, he had his first follow-up doctor visit, and everything looks good.
This past week, I got a promotion at work...yippee! I'm still lovin' the concierge gig, and I sincerely hope it lasts a good, long time.
On January 22, my beautiful, sweet, hilarious sister-in-law (affectionately referred to as Jello in our little yellow house) gave birth to an amazing little girl. JAKE (Jello's whole family...their acronym is
way better than ours - if you put all our initials together, the best you come up with is SCABS) came in to visit from Ohio this weekend, and The Hubbs and I were really,
really looking forward to meeting little E and hanging out with our beloved K-Bear. Unfortunately, The Princess is a bit under the weather, so we were unable to see them after all. On the bright side, it sounds like they will be back in about a month for E's baptism and Jello's and my combined birthday party. If anyone is sick that weekend, we're throwing them in a bubble and calling it a day.
On January 31, my ex-work-hubby and his beautiful wife welcomed their first child, a beautiful baby boy. This is the dude who kept me sane at the end of my tenure at my previous job, when things got hairy. We don't see each other much (in fact, the last time we all got together in real life was in June of last year), but these people are family. R, D, and Junior, The Hubbo Family couldn't be more excited for you.
And now, the subject you've all been waiting for...I just know it: The Princess. Our girl is still the most amazing little person I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. Not an hour goes by that doesn't involve her doing something that astonishes me. Case in point: the hour-long snuggle earlier today. My little introvert is coming out of her shell. Sure, she still spends an inordinate amount of time in her room, but she now makes a point of coming out into the living room every so often,
initiating eye contact with either me or The Hubbs, and climbing into one of our laps.
There are so many other things I want to tell you about our girl, about the progress she is making and about the ways she warms my heart, but my teacup is woefully empty. And this can only mean one thing: time for bed.
Before we part ways, dear friends, I promise you I'll start trying to post more regularly. Please note the operative word in that promise:
In the mean time, say hello to your families for me...and don't forget to turn off your computers and cell phones every once in a while to spend some precious time together.