Tuesday, December 14, 2010

All By Herself

The Princess spends a lot of time in a onesie these days.  Why, you ask?  Because she can take normal clothes off and streak across the house and pee on the floor.  Bet you'll think twice about asking me "why" again!

She also runs warm, like her momma.  In the dead of winter, I hang around the house barefoot in shorts and a tank top, except for the odd times when I catch a chill.  For her whole life, The Princess has been like me in this way.  99% of the time, she is perfectly happy to run around with bare arms and legs.

Today, though, it apparently got a bit chilly for my little one.  So, (drumroll, please), she dug through her room, found a pair of stretch pants, and put them on.  By herself.  Okay, so they were inside-out.  And they didn't even come close to matching her ever-present onesie.

But she put them on.  All by herself.

That was the best darned phone call I think I've ever gotten at work.  I'm so proud of my baby!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Chuggin' On Through

English class: done.

Math class: done.

Ethics class: done.

Just the art appreciation final to go, and then no school for a month!  Bit by bit, I'm chuggin' my way through this associates degree, and I'm feelin' pretty darned good about myself right now.

P.S. Check it out...I got through an entire post without babbling, swearing or bitching.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Real or Fake?

Real or fake: that's the question that's buzzing around my FB page today regarding this very picture.  I find it interesting that everyone's initial reaction is to think, "That must be fake."

Here I am to assure you all that, cross my heart, this picture is real.  I'd never seen such a well-defined snowflake in my life until this morning, which is why I immediately ran for the camera.  This photo has not been touched up, airbrushed, or otherwise faked in any way.

The beauty of nature is simply amazing at times, isn't it?