Sunday, November 28, 2010

Omigosh...I'm Actually Posting A Blog!

It's been a while, I know.  For that, I apologize.

Rest assured that everything is going well at our little yellow house.  I'm working full-time now (40 hours a week), in addition to going to school full-time.  My current semester will be done within the next couple of weeks, after which I'll have about a month off from school.  A month in which I plan to relax and spend as much time as I can with The Hubbs and The Princess before starting it all over again.

The spring semester should hopefully go more smoothly.  While I'm maintaining good grades, this semester's schedule is a bit much for me.  In the spring, I'll switch to what seems like a better schedule.  I'll attend classes on campus on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, with one online course that will be done from home in my spare time (ha!).

The good news is that I should be set to graduate next December if all goes as planned. 


Now onto the reason that you're all here...The Princess!  We recently had our first parent-teacher conference at her school, where she wowwed us with her progress.  The short version of the story is that The Princess is making leaps and bounds at school, which is also becoming apparent at home. 

Still no speech, but she has many more sounds now than she did even a few months ago.  Recently, she's been playing around with her "p," "b," "k," and "g" sounds.  Sorry, no sound bytes, but you can believe me when I say its a-freaking-dorable.

The grand Mrs. G. also thinks The Princess is ready to start transitioning to a longer school day, which we're all pretty excited about.

The Princess has been a cuddly little lady of late, and I wouldn't trade that for the world.  Her eye contact and demeanor have improved amazingly in just the last few months, a fact that became increasingly apparent at our last family gathering at Nana and Grampy's house on Thanksgiving.

This past Thursday, The Princess was a rock star.  She ran and stimmed, played and giggled, looked people in the eye, and even grabbed one of her great aunties - whom she has not seen in nearly a year - and pulled her over to the couch and proceeded to climb into her lap and get a case of the contagious giggles.

My little girl is growin' up, people.

But you need not worry.  Her cousin, the beautiful K-Bear (who is 16 months younger than The Princess), outweighs her by about six pounds, and can look her square in the eye now.  Nana bought the little ones matching outfits, a ritual by now, one in size 4-5T and the other in 3T.  Jello and I looked at each other and giggled, figuring that K would be in the larger size far before The Princess we brought home the 3T.  She wore the shirt yesterday, and she's swimming in it.  Before too long, she'll start receiving hand-me-downs from her younger cousin.  ;)


The Hubbs is still the most wonderful man on the entire planet, and I love him with every little piece of my heart.  On November 18th, we celebrated his (ahem, cough, cough)th birthday, and we just celebrated it again over the weekend with his family.

Swatta, I'm very sorry I didn't post a mush-fest on your actual birthday, but apparently I was having so much fun hanging out with you before class that night that I didn't find the time.  I won't embarrass you here, either...consider it my belated birthday present to you.  ;)


Last, but not least, the season is once again upon us.  This Thanksgiving weekend, after shopping for Christmas presents and groceries, watching three or four movies, and bumming out to the max, The Hubbs and I decided it was high time we put up the Christmas tree.

The big addition this year is ornaments.  The Princess (hopefully, and I'd better say this quietly so she doesn't hear me) shouldn't be able to break them, because they're all plastic.  This is the first year we've ever had any kind of "themed" tree, and I really like the way it turned out.  The tree topper is also new, scored for a mere $1.99 at Michael's.  I love me a good bargain!

Anyhoo, I hope y'all had as wonderful a holiday weekend as we did, and I hope to be able to post more often in the weeks that come.  I can't make any promises, other than that I will try.

Well, I'm off like a dirty shirt.  Gotta get to bed so I can get up for work in the morning!  G'night, y'all.