Five years ago, at this very time, I stood in the narthex of my church - the church I grew up in - with my daddy. He looked at me, winked, and asked if I was ready.
We took the first step.
Pop had to rein me in...I'd have run full-tilt down that aisle if he wasn't there to hold me back. The Hubbs was a mere fifty feet away, smiling and tearing up in his tux, surrounded by our best friends.
Once I got my bearings and realized I couldn't exactly run down there and jump right into his arms, I took a breath. I looked around me, and I couldn't believe how many people had come. I was completely surrounded on both sides by family and friends, and I couldn't have been happier.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Pop and I came to a stop next to The Hubbs. Pop kissed me and shook The Hubbs' hand before handing me over to the man who would very soon become my husband.
Pastor S. - the same pastor who baptized me in this very church - smiled and motioned for The Hubbs and me to step forward. I handed my bouquet to T, and the rest of the day is a blur.
Smile for the camera.
Detour to the "Blur" for a round of drinks in our full wedding the limo, of course!
Outside for some pictures in the unseasonably warm weather.
T and me watching The Hubbs dance with his momma.
Yep, we roll high class 'round here.
Do a little dance...make a little love...get down tonight!
You can take the girl out of the dive bar...
The newlyweds!
It was a wonderful day, and I've had a great time going through the pictures. It's funny...people told me to enjoy every minute, and that I wouldn't remember half of it. I don't think I ate more than about three bites of my salad, but I sure made the most of the party. It really was a whirlwind day, and there isn't a moment I'd trade for all the tea in England (sorry, China...I'm an Earl Grey gal)...even that moment of panic when we realized the DJs (our friends, who provided the entertainment as a wedding gift) had left the case with all of our wedding music at home. Thank goodness for Hambone, Blue, and some very quick thinking!
From the reception hall, we headed back to our little yellow house with our posse. The Hubbs helped me out of my big, heavy wedding dress, and I got myself into some jeans and a sweatshirt. That jeweled tiara was not coming out of my hair without making a big ol' mess, we all headed down to our neighborhood dive bar to play some pool...tiara and all. It was quite the conversation piece, let me tell ya!
Today won't be as crazy as that day five years ago, but I'm just as crazy about The Hubbs now as I was then. After work tonight, we'll be dropping The Princess off at The Grumps' house and heading out for dinner at the restaurant where we held that epic party five years ago.
Happy anniversary, Swa. I love you with every little piece of my heart. You are the world's best hubby and daddy, and I thank God every day that we found each other. Watching you with our daughter makes my heart swell, and I still get those butterflies in my tummy when I see know, the ones that made me hide in the bathroom the day we met? Yep. It was lub at first sight, and I wouldn't trade one single solitary moment of it.